Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Magpie and a Bulbul

One day, a magpie (Sang Murai) crossed paths with a bulbul (Sang Merbah). Sang Merbah was busy building her nest at the time. Sang Murai chuckled and said, "Hey Sang Merbah! I feel bad seeing you work so hard. I get to fly around freely while you're stuck sweating it out." Sang Merbah replied, "It's all good, Sang Murai. I'm just preparing for the upcoming rainy season."

    A few days later, Sang Murai visited Sang Merbah again. To his surprise, Sang Merbah had already built a beautiful nest. It started pouring rain, and Sang Murai got soaked while Sang Merbah stayed dry in her cosy nest. Sang Merbah then said, "See, Sang Murai? Being prepared pays off. If we're light on our feet, we'll reap the rewards. But if we're careless, we'll suffer the consequences."

    Feeling embarrassed, Sang Murai left. The moral of the story is to never underestimate someone else's abilities.


Saga Sastra Malay Folk Tales Translation Project

Welcome to the Malay Folk Tales Translation Project. This initiative aims to preserve and share the rich cultural heritage of Malay folklore through accurate and engaging translations. Our team of dedicated translators is committed to ensuring that these timeless stories are accessible to a global audience. Join us in celebrating the beauty and diversity of Malay folklore by supporting our project. Together, we can bring these captivating tales to life for generations to come.

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