Saturday, April 20, 2024


Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there was a swallow who had a knack for imitation. One evening, the swallow overheard the other birds crying out, "To the side! To the side! Make way for the King of the Birds." Intrigued, the swallow looked around and saw a group of majestic peacocks strutting by. Mesmerized by their beauty, the swallow couldn't help but feel a desire to be like them.

    Without a second thought, the swallow started collecting the peacock feathers that had fallen to the ground as the flock passed by. After tucking the feathers into its own body, the swallow proudly walked in the path of the peacocks. The other birds, seeing the swallow adorned with the feathers, exclaimed, "To the side! To the side! Make way for the King of Birds!"

    Feeling like a true royal, the swallow strutted along, forgetting all about the borrowed feathers. As it walked, the feathers began to fall off one by one, much to the amusement of the other birds. They couldn't help but laugh and joke, "Looks like the swallow tried to disguise itself as the King of Birds!"

    The swallow was having a blast, zooming around and strutting its stuff so fast that it totally forgot about the peacock feathers stuck to its body. Before it knew it, the feathers were dropping like confetti. The other birds nearby couldn't contain their laughter, teasing the swallow for trying to pass itself off as the King of Birds. Feeling embarrassed, the swallow slunk away with its head hanging low.

    As it shuffled along, the swallow accidentally bumped into a peacock, who was not amused. The peacock scolded the swallow for pretending to be something it wasn't and ordered it to scram. The swallow wasted no time in flying off, feeling dejected.

    While soaring through the sky, the swallow spotted a flock of birds that looked just like him. Excited to make some new pals, the swallow joined the group. One of the birds asked if it was new, and the swallow eagerly replied that it was a fresh face in the crew. It was thrilled to have found some new buddies.


Saga Sastra Malay Folk Tales Translation Project

Welcome to the Malay Folk Tales Translation Project. This initiative aims to preserve and share the rich cultural heritage of Malay folklore through accurate and engaging translations. Our team of dedicated translators is committed to ensuring that these timeless stories are accessible to a global audience. Join us in celebrating the beauty and diversity of Malay folklore by supporting our project. Together, we can bring these captivating tales to life for generations to come.

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